About Us

The world has a plastic pollution crisis. In Nigeria today, the average person generates about 0.3kg of plastic waste per day. That amounts to about 25 million tons of single-use plastics that fill up landfills, clog water bodies, or cause harm when ingested as microplastics from sea foods.

The plastic industry, as we know, is heavily reliant on petrochemicals. The production is worsening the effects of climate change and causing irreversible harm to our planet. We are fixing this at Sakula with our proprietary plastic aggregation and manufacturing technology.

The Sakula Way

Recycling is great. Biodedegradability is better. We do both. The Sakula system is holistic and end-to-end.

Sakula is a bio-package manufacturing company reversing the business as usual (BAU) trend in the sustainability of the packaging industry. We create bioplastics for the plastic packaging industry, craft food-grade hydrocarbon-free jute sacks for the agro industry, design and deploy smart solutions to aggregate  plastics post use.

Our Values

Our values are based on the four acronyms of everyone’s DNA – ACTG – Aha!, Community, Technological innovation, and Greenness. And yes, Aha! moments are common in Technological innovations and Community action is a social driver of going green.


We believe that everyone has (or will have) stories of aha moments in their lives when it becomes crystal clear why it is our responsibility as humans to protect the environment for future generations.


We believe in the power of collective action in solving the plastic pollution crisis. We prioritize partnerships for inspiring community-wide eco-consciousness.

Technological innovation

We are driven by innovation and the future of alternative materials. If a piece of technology has the potential to contribute to solving the plastic pollution crisis at scale, trust to find us testing such technology.


We are green. We are a sustainability-first business. Sustainability is at the core of our DNA.


We are a team of dreamers and doers. Young, skilled, and experienced, we share a commitment to environmental sustainability. We are no strangers to breaking ceilings or pushing boundaries.

We don’t do small challenges or dare; it’s either big or nothing. We are a few cells short of qualifying as geeks but we more than make up with courage, audacity, and panache. We are people and planet lovers. We are thinkers, tinkerers, and above all, builders.

• Strategy consultant to leading international development organizations

• Carbon accounting and lifecycle assessment expert

• Bachelors, First Class in Electrical Electronics Engineering, University of Lagos.

• Mini-MBA, Innovation & Growth at Tekedia Institute, Boston

• Corporate experience in technology, consulting and project management

• Math champion

• Closet songwriter and racing driver

•Ex-First Bank

• Commonwealth Scholar

• Alumnus, Tony Elumelu Elumelu Entrepreneurship Program

• Co-founder, Suremart

• First Class in Agricultural Administration, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

• MSc. Sustainable Agriculture, (Distinction) Newcastle University, UK.

• Cognate experience in manufacturing, banking, strategy, and sustainability transitions.

• Closet middleweight boxer and future Head Coach of Arsenal FC